ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações has endorsed the proposals to allocate to PT Comunicações the frequency usage rights associated with Multiplexers A and B to F, in respect of the tenders to launch digital terrestrial broadcasting opened on 25 February. Likewise, the ERC endorsed the proposal of the review committee for the allocation of the distribution operator license to PTC in respect of Multiplexers B to F.
With respect to Multiplexers B to F, the endorsement by ANACOM and by the ERC took place on 16 October, the same day as approval was granted by the review committee to the final report of analysis and consideration of the application. This report gave basis to the proposal to allocate the frequency usage rights and the distribution operator license to PTC.
There now follows notification of the decision of ANACOM and of the ERC to the two tenderers, Airplus Television Portugal and PTC, with reference in the case of PTC to the obligation to raise the value of the bond stipulated in the tender regulation to 2.5 million euros.
ANACOM will issue the respective title of allocation of frequency usage rights within a period of 25 working days following the raising of the bond.
With respect to Multiplexer A, for the transmission of services of free-to-air television programmes, to be used for carrying the current television channels in open signal as well as the future 5th channel, the final report of analysis and consideration of the single application of PTC was approved by the committee. ANACOM gave its endorsement to the proposal on the same day.
There now follows notification of PTC, which has a period of 10 working days to raise the value of the bond to two million euros, as set out in the tender regulation.
The allocation title of the frequency usage right will be issued by ANACOM within a period of 15 working days following the raising of the bond.