Interconnection prices to be included in the RIO 2004

/ / Updated on 05.01.2007


By determination of 13 November 2003, ANACOM requested PT Comunicações to submit, pursuant to point c) of paragraph 1 of article 9 of Decree-Law no. 415/98 of 31 December, and within 15 days, a proposal concerning the interconnection prices to be in force for the year 2004, which accounted, namely, for the expected cost evolution, grounded in efficiency criteria, among others.

Through fax dated 3 December 2003, PT Comunicações requested the extension up to 15 December 2003 of the time limit for the submission of the price proposal, on the basis that the identification of the costs for the first semester of the year 2003 was under way.

This delay in providing a price proposal would hinder the entry into force of those prices on 1 January 2004, if they were to be subject to a detailed analysis, on the part of ANACOM, of all elements, including new data on costs.

Therefore, and having regard to the relevance for the development of competition in the sector of practising low interconnection prices, the Board of Directors of ANACOM, at the meeting held on 18 December 2003, determined to dispense with the prior analysis of the price proposal of PT Comunicações and to determine, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 13 of Decree-Law no. 415/98 that PT Comunicações, up to 23 December 2003 and taking into account the applicable regulatory principles, namely cost orientation and non-discrimination, shall revise the RIO with effect from 1 January 2004, specially reducing the interconnection prices and submitting ANACOM the appropriate reasoning thereof. Without prejudice thereto, ANACOM is entitled to determine the subsequent amendments it deems necessary, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.