Postal traffic moves 67 million objects - first quarter of 2004

/ Updated on 30.01.2007

Postal traffic of services operated in competition was 67 million objects during the first quarter of this year, indicate data compiled by the Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)1.

The traffic of 67 million objects in this first quarter of 2004 corresponds to a 6% decline from the previous quarter, when the volume of routed objects stood at about 72 million.

During the same period, the CTT's market shares of national postal traffic settled at 93.1%, versus 93.8% in the last quarter of 2003. There was also a slight drop in outgoing international traffic (93% versus 93.2% in the previous quarter) and in incoming international traffic (85.2% versus 87.3%, respectively).

By service, the remaining postal operators accounted for 63.2% of express mail services traffic, a higher share than the 58% registered in the last quarter of 2003.

For services not covered by the express mail category the situation is the reverse: the CTT holds the biggest market share - 96.6% - just below the 96.9% registered in the previous quarter.

Market Shares - Postal Traffic by Service
1st Quarter 2003
(before 1st
4th Quarter
2003 Other 1st Quarter
CTT Other CTT Other CTT CTT Other
Express Mail
Services Traffic
53,4% 46,6% 42,0% 58,0% 44,3% 55,7% 36,8% 63,2%
Traffic in Services
not covered by the
Express Mail category
94,6% 5,4% 96,9% 3,1% 95,9% 4,1% 96,6% 3,4%
Postal Traffic Operated in Competition - by Service
  1st Quarter 2003
(before 1st
4th Quarter
2003 1st Quarter
Postal Traffic 38.420 72.391 212.435 67.400
Express Mail
3.406 4.706 16.363 4.505
Services not
covered by
the Express
Mail category
35.015 67.685 196.072 62.895

Unit: thousands of objects

1 A comparative analysis over the previous quarter (the last one in 2003) was favoured, given that with the start of a new liberalisation stage (Decree-Law no. 116/2003 of 12 June) the year-on-year variations do not reflect real market evolution but rather the increased volume of liberalised postal traffic.
