ANACOM publishes guide on the impact of the mobile networks on health and the environment

The new ANACOM guide entitled “Ecosafety and Mobile Networks: Facts, figures and challenges about health and sustainability” aims to clarify questions about the ecosafety of the mobile networks, i.e. their impact on human health and the environmental balance. This document revises, updates and expands the basic information compiled and published in 2020, in the “Mobile networks and health - facts, data and challenges” guide.

The constant innovations in the area of communication technologies are and should remain under scrutiny given that they are often associated with doubts or controversies about their risks and the impact on the population and the global ecosystem.

Raising awareness of the interactions between the technologies and their surroundings, as well as the evolution in the methods of regulating these interconnected systems, is a constantly renewed challenge that ANACOM tries to meet.

In this guide, we answer 22 questions about emerging topics related to the human and environmental security of the electronic communication networks. It also includes a set of thematic boxes that complement the information about some specific subjects, illustrative figures and a glossary that lists 15 key concepts and institutions.

Read the publication and find out the answers based on scientific knowledge to questions such as:

  • Is there evidence that the frequencies used by 5G pose a health hazard?
  • Did ANACOM investigate possible risks before the commercial launch of 5G?
  • Specifically, how does ANACOM go into the field to check for possible risks?
  • What is the impact of 5G on environmental sustainability?


See also: