ANACOM approves the 2021 report and accounts of the electronic communications universal service compensation fund.

On 9 August 2022, ANACOM approved the 2021 annual report and accounts of the compensation fund for the universal service of electronic communications, under the terms of LCE - Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Law) and of Lei do Fundo (Fund Law)

As the managing body of the universal service compensation fund, ANACOM is responsible for preparing two reports:

  • one report fulfilling the requirements of article 98 of the LCE and point d), paragraph 1, article 4 of Lei do Fundo (Fund Law), setting out the calculated cost of the universal service obligations and indicating the contributions made by all undertakings involved;
  • the other report fulfilling the requirements of article 3, paragraph 5 and 6 of Lei do Fundo (Fund Law), presenting the accounts and financial statements of the Universal Service Compensation Fund.

This document therefore accomplishes both legal obligations for the 2021 period.
