ANACOM shall proceed with the subassigment of numbers to encourage competition in the market

ANACOM approved the Download file Draft Regulation that defines the conditions applicable to the subassigmnent of numbers of the national numbering plan, which will allow the numbers assigned by ANACOM to electronic communications service providers to be used by the end customers of other providers within the scope of their services. To do so, an agreement shall be signed between the parties, who are required to ensure the usage conditions of the numbers and the rights of the end users, namely the right to port the numbers.

The Draft Regulation that is now opened for public consultation for 30 working days is a crucial item to encourage the appearance of new offers and facilitate new business models in the national market, namely wholesale offers, also adapting the regulation to the regulatory frameworks in place in several European countries. The Draft Regulation was drawn up selecting regulatory policy options, whenever possible and suitable, that had the underlying aim of creating new opportunities for companies who would benefit from the new rules, without forcing the hand of companies who hold numbers, insofar as they remain free to supply or not electronic communication networks and services that include the subassigment of numbers, which should always be viewed in the light of the general authorisation legal framework.

Through this instrument, it is intended to increase competition in the supply of electronic communication services, reducing obstacles to the entry of companies into the market, as well as increasing the freedom of choice for the consumers. It also contributes to optimising the management and usage of numbers of the national numbering plan and making the regime more transparent that is applicable to companies who offer networks and services with numbers of this plan.

The numbering is a public resource, which ANACOM manages and which should not per se be an obstacle to the freedom of companies to offer electronic communications services. In accordance with the current rules, the providers who have been assigned usage rights are solely responsible for compliance with the usage conditions associated with these rights, which shall now be shared upon the subassigment of numbers. As these assigments are typically allocated in blocks of 10 000 numbers. Some companies need fewer numbers than others, and in this situation the subassigment will allow a more efficient and effective use of the numbers.

ANACOM has become aware of the interest of companies in this type of business, who intend to provide services supported, through agreement, on the wholesale networks and services offered by other companies and on the numbers whose usage rights are under the holding of these companies.
