COVID-19 - Cancel or suspend contracts and maintain services with payments in arrears or non-payment cause concern among telecommunications users

In the week from 25 April to 1 May, the complaints about telecommunications presented in the electronic complaints book increased by 2% in relation to the previous week, despite the 3% reduction of the total complaints about complaints about communications services. The main concerns indicated by the users, and also expressed through the telephone and written attendance service of ANACOM, are related to the cancellation of services without penalisation, maintenance of the communications services without penalisations due to payments in arrears or non-payment, the possibility of temporary suspension of the contracts and customer attendance.

In contrast, during the same period there was a significant reduction in complaints about service breakdowns, which continue to be one of the subjects most complained about, and about internet access speed.

The total complaints in the electronic complaints book, in the week of 25 April to 1 May, reached 1825, of which 64% refer to the electronic communications sector. MEO was the operator that received most complaints during the week under review.

Complaints about postal services, which represent 36% of total complaints, decreased by 10% during this week, after having reached in the previous week the highest value since the beginning of the state of emergency. CTT was the operator that received most complaints.

Late delivery of letters and parcels, the lack of attempted delivery to the home of the receivers and delivery failures continued to be the subjects most claimed by the users.
