Cross-border parcel delivery services 2019

This information is copyrighted to ANACOM

Executive Summary

In 2019 the number of parcels increased by 14.6% and revenue increased by 9.1%

In 2019, the number of parcels processed in the postal networks of the main providers of the parcel delivery service in Portugal increased by 14.6%, with turnover having increased by 9.1%. Considering only the providers that reported information in 2018 and 2019, the variation was 11.2% in terms of traffic and 6.8% in terms of revenue.

International parcels represented 32.0% of the traffic and 53.2% of the turnover of the parcel delivery service

Of the total parcels, 68.0% were domestic parcels and 20.7% originated in other countries. Outgoing international parcels accounted for 11.3%. In total, 32.0% of the parcels were international parcels.

On the other hand, 46.8% of the turnover of the parcel delivery services of the main providers in Portugal was generated by domestic parcels, 16.8% came from international parcels received and 36.4% was the result of outgoing international parcels. In other words, international parcels represented 53.2% of the turnover of this service.

European Economic Area was the origin or destination of 29.7% of the parcels and generated 40.9% of the turnover of the service

Close to 95.4% of the international parcels received in Portugal and 87.7% of outgoing international parcels originated in or were destined for countries in the European Economic Area (EEA). The European Economic Area was the origin or destination of 92.7% of the international parcels and accounted for 29.7% of total traffic.

Concerning the turnover of this service, 83.5% of the turnover of the incoming international traffic (international parcels received) and 73.8% of the turnover of the outgoing international traffic came from parcels received from or sent to countries of the European Economic Area.

In total, the European Economic Area accounted for 76.9% of the turnover of the international parcels and 40.9% of the total turnover of this service.

Unit revenue of parcels was 5.18 euros

In 2019, the average turnover per item was 5.18 euros, corresponding to 4.8% less than in the previous year. The unit revenue of domestic parcels was the lowest figure (3.57 euros), followed by the unit revenue of international parcels received (4.19 euros), and outgoing international parcels (16.66 euros).

The unit revenue of traffic outside the European Economic Area was 4.1 and 2.5 times higher than the revenue of traffic received from or sent to the European Economic Area, respectively.

The unit revenue of international parcels received from the European Economic Area was 17% higher than the unit revenue of domestic parcels.

The number of full-time employees represented 87.6%

In 2019, among the employees (not exclusively) associated to the provision of parcel delivery services, the number of full-time employees represented 87.6% of the total, while part-time and temporary workers represented 2.6% and 9.8%, respectively.

86.8% of the subcontracted companies were involved in the delivery of parcels

In 2019, 8 parcel delivery service providers subcontracted 680 companies. The majority of the subcontracted companies were involved in the delivery (86.8%) and transport (22.5%) of parcels.