ANACOM approves maximum price variation of non-reserved postal services for 2019-2020

ANACOM has approved the maximum price variation of non-reserved postal services (correspondence, postal parcels and periodicals) for the period 2019-2020. According to ANACOM’s decision, adopted following a public consultation and prior hearing process, the variation in prices over the next two years will be below inflation, capped at inflation minus 0.25 percentage points. The variation in the price of stamps for postage up to 20g is also limited by the maximum variation.

ANACOM also approved the methodology for forecasting traffic in the basket of non-reserved services for the 2018-2020 three-year period (correspondence, periodicals and parcels), as was required to determine the maximum price variation.

Under Lei Postal (Postal Law), ANACOM is responsible for establishing the criteria governing the pricing of postal services that comprise the universal service.

It is recalled that in July 2018, ANACOM approved the quality of service indicators applicable to CTT - Correios de Portugal (CTT) in 2019 and 2020, as provider of the universal postal service. With these new, more demanding indicators, ANACOM intends to reverse the situation of progressive deterioration seen in quality of service and increasing user dissatisfaction.

More recently, in a draft decision, ANACOM has approved a set of changes to the system used to measure quality of service indicators, in order to make the system more robust. ANACOM audited the quality of service indicators reported by CTT in 2016 and 2017, with audits conducted by Grant Thornton. As a result, and since the postal items used in the sample were identifiable, it was concluded that there was a risk that the measurement procedures implemented do not properly reflect the quality of the service offered to consumers - the anonymity of the panellists and of persons used to measure waiting times was not guaranteed. The changes sought to strengthen the reliability of the measurement system.
