Review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications - call for contributions and workshop

ANACOM is seeking information about the positions of providers of electronic communications services as regards the package of legislative proposals advanced by the European Commission (EC) for the review of the regulatory framework of the European Union (EU) in the area of electronic communications.

These proposals, presented by the Commission on 14 September 2016, include a set of new measures to respond to the increasing needs for the connectivity of European citizens and enhancing Europe’s competitiveness.

Stakeholders can send contributions to by 18 November 2016.

To contribute to the formulation of ANACOM's position on the matter, ANACOM is also organising a workshop, to be held on 8 November 2016, at 2:00 pm, at Lisbon’s Novotel, where it will hear different stakeholder positions on the Commission’s proposals.

Participation in the workshop is free and open to all interested parties, but prior registration is required. To register, stakeholders should complete the online registration form. Attendance is limited to the capacity of the venue.


Further information:

  • 5G Action Plan