On 17 October the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is holding its fourth Stakeholder Forum in Brussels, Belgium.
This year the forum is dedicated to the review of the EU regulatory framework for telecommunications, and the programme is as follows:
- Opening and presentation of the 2017 BEREC programme by Wilhelm Eschweiler (BNetzA), who has been the 2016 BEREC chair, and Sébastien Soriano (ARCEP), who will be the 2017 chair;
- Session I - The connectivity challenge: everywhere, in each terminal, for each service - discussion panel chaired by Sharon White (Chief Executive of Ofcom), with the participation of Pilar del Castillo (Member of the European Parliament), Eelco Blok (CEO of KPN), Xavier Niel (CEO of Free) and Sam Crawford (founder of SamKnows);
- Session II - Fast-changing digital environment: new services, new challenges, new opportunities for innovation? - discussion panel chaired by Johannes Gungl (Director of RTR) with the participation of Gavin Patterson (CEO of BT), Martin Kaiser (Vice-president Services division of Hager Group), Annina Koskiola (CEO of Proximi.io) and Winston Maxwell (partner at Hogan Lovells);
- Closing remarks by Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for the digital economy.
The forum is open to the general public, with a limited number of places and subject to prior registration until 3 October 2016. It will also be streamed live online.
Further information:
- BEREC Stakeholder Forum 2016: registration open http://www.berec.europa.eu/eng/news_and_publications/whats_new/4039-berec-stakeholder-forum-2016-registration-open