Quintuple and triple-play offers drive growth in number of customers with bundles of services

As at the end of June, there were 3.35 million customers receiving offers of bundled services in Portugal, increasing 1.4% versus the previous quarter and by 7.6% versus June 2015. As such, 82.1 out of every 100 households in Portugal had a bundle of electronic communications services.

The growth seen in the number of subscribers to bundles of service results from increased numbers of quintuple-play subscribers (+61 thousand subscribers in 2nd quarter) and of triple-play customers (+22 thousand subscribers over this period).

These remain the two most popular offers when it comes to bundles of services. Triple-play offers which include the fixed telephone service, fixed broadband and subscription television have 1.37 million subscribers (40.9% of total) and quintuple-play offers, which, in addition to these three services, include mobile broadband and the mobile telephone service, have 1.34 million subscribers (39.9% of total).

In terms of market share, MEO was the provider with the largest share of bundles of services (39.9% in 2nd quarter 2016), followed closely by Grupo NOS (39.8%); Vodafone, in third position (15.1%), was the provider which most increased its share of subscribers, reporting a net gain of 26 thousand new customers. Grupo APAX - Cabovisão and ONI - had a share of 5.2%. Grupo NOS led in terms of double-play, triple-play and quadruple-play, while MEO led in terms of quintuple-play.

Revenues from bundles of electronic communications services were reported at 831 million euros in the first six months of 2016, representing an increase of 12.7% compared to the same period of 2015. More than half of these revenues (53.9%) originated from quintuple-play offers. Average monthly revenue per subscriber was 41.96 euros in the first 6 months of the year, reflecting an increase of 3.6% over the same period of 2015.

In terms of revenues, MEO had a share of 43.4%, followed by Grupo NOS (39.3%), Vodafone (12.9%) and Grupo APAX (4.3%).

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