Electronic communications - correction to t2 percentage contribution from 2014

On 14 July 2016, ANACOM approved a draft decision concerning: (i) a review of relevant revenues reported by suppliers of electronic communication networks and services in respect of 2013; (ii) a review of the t2 percentage contribution in respect of 2014; (iii) additional payment of the annual fee payable by suppliers of publicly available electronic communication services and networks in respect of 2014.

A correction made to the value of relevant revenues reported by MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia for the 2013 financial year has resulted in a reduction in total relevant revenues reported by Tier 2 companies - suppliers of electronic communication networks and services - with an impact on the value of the t2 contributory percentage.  The percentage for 2014 is adjusted from 0.5900% to 0.5909%.

The new t2 percentage gives rise to an additional payment of the annual fee payable by suppliers of networks and publicly available electronic communication services in respect of 2014 of 22,388.96 euros.

This draft decision was submitted to the prior hearing of the undertakings concerned so that they might comment within 15 days.
