With regard to news disclosed in the media today concerning the increase in the number of DTT channels, stating that ANACOM affirms that MUX A only has the capacity for 3 channels under the conditions of the current concession services, by citing an ANACOM opinion, this Authority hereby informs that:
In the aforementioned ANACOM opinion it mentions that the current network has the capacity to house “another 3 DS programme services, when considering the current capacity used by the general programme services, or 4 DS programme services, if this includes the capacity used by the Parliament Channel”. However, this position taken by ANACOM was prior to knowledge of new technical solutions that are now being implemented by the network operator and which enable greater optimisation of the existing capacity in the MUX A. ANACOM has always argued for and encouraged the broadening of the supply of DTT greater than the number of channels allowed by the technology available at any particular moment.
Regarding the introduction of new thematic channels from the public television service, ANACOM has restated that its competences are limited to technical aspects regarding the awarding, use and monitoring of the spectrum. The decision on the type of content that will occupy the available space in the MUX is the government's responsibility and must “deserve proper consideration, which, it is believed, requires the exercise of the actual powers of the media and competition regulators”. That opinion does not mention in any part that ANACOM should make such a decision, as suggested by the news items.
The Management Board
12 July 2016