See update information on the legislation.
Latest update:
Ruling No. 138/2016, of 22 June, of the Constitutional Court, declaring not to be unconstitutional the rule arising from the interpretation of article 113, paragraph 1 ll) and paragraph 6, of the Electronic Communications Law, approved by Law No. 5/2004, of 10 February (as amended by Decree-Law No. 176/2007, of 8 May, subsequently amended), read in conjunction with article 54, paragraph 5 of the same law (in its original version) and with article 26, paragraph 2 c) and paragraph 3, of the Portability Regulation, as amended by ANACOM Regulation No.114/2012, of 13 March, so that breaches established under the regulation issued by the Regulatory Authority may lead to the imposition of fines as penalty for non-compliance with the obligation on operators to pay compensation due for infringement of provisions on the portability of telephone numbers.