Digital television chronology 2016

/ Updated on 03.03.2017


ANACOM determines, by decision of 11 November, that MEO should proceed with the installation of a transmitter which corrects the default situation in the context of the rendering of the DTT service which occurred in Fornos, Castelo de Paiva.


Following its decision of 22 September, ANACOM has place for consultation, the draft decision on the alteration of the conditions associated with the right to use the frequencies assigned to MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia for the DTT broadcasting service - Multiplexer A (MUX A), in line with the provisions of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 37-C/2016 and Law No. 33/2016.


Publication on 24 August of Law no. 33/2016, which supports expansion of the offer of DTT programme services, under proper technical conditions and ensuring price control over provision of the DTT signal transmission and broadcasting service.


ANACOM issues statement to clarify media reports of an expansion to the offer of channels provided over DTT.

Publication, on 8 July, of Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 37-C/2016, which orders reservation of capacity necessary to expand the offer of programme services on the DTT platform. As such, RTP3 and RTP Memória will be included within the offer of DTT channels.


ANACOM submits opinion to Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic) on the draft of Law 98/XIII/1.a, on expanding the offer of programme services on DTT, ensuring appropriate technical conditions and price control.


ANACOM report on DTT quality of service shows that, in 4th quarter 2015, the DTT signal reported levels of service availability close to 100% and levels of service stability which were high.


ANACOM makes information available to the public on a daily basis about the quality of the DTT signal; this information is obtained from the nationwide network of probes. This information is provided through a tool that identifies the signal quality level in all districts as green, red and yellow.


ANACOM approves rectification of its final decision of 1 October 2015 concerning the definition of terrestrial cover obligations to be incorporated into the right of use of frequencies allocated to MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO) in the context of digital terrestrial television - multiplexer A (DTT MUX A).