Digital Single Market - results of public consultations

The European Commission (EC) disclosed, on 20 April 2016, full reports on the results of consultations on the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and on the future needs for Internet speed and quality. These consultations were held between 11 September and 7 December 2015 in the scope of the Digital Single Market (DSM).

As regards the first issue, respondents consider that competition law principles and market power assessments should continue to underpin the EU’s regulation in this field. It has been also concluded that coordinated spectrum management is crucial to address the increasing need for wireless connectivity, having been recognised that adjustments are required in order to improve connectivity and advance the internal market.

As far as the second consult is concerned, EC concludes that consumers and companies converge on the increasingly important role of high speed and high quality internet access as a precondition for a successful digital economy.

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