Unbundled Access to the Local Loop (LLU) - Decisions of 22.11.2001

/ Updated on 09.09.2002

On November 22, 2001, ICP's Board of Directors approved three decisions within the framework of PT Comunicações, S.A. Local Loop Unbundling Offer (LLU), regarding the following: 

  • Requirements to be verified in the co-location space;
  • Decisions concerning the Reference Offer for Local Loop Unbundling 2001 (RUO 2001) - to be included by PT Comunicações, S.A., within a 10 days;
  • Draft decision concerning alterations to be introduced in the prices of specific services provided within the framework of the RUO 2001 - interested parties have 10 day period in which they may make a written statement, having been duly notified for this purpose.