There were 3.25 million subscribers to bundled offers in Portugal as at the end of 2015, 10.1% more than at the end of the previous year.
It is estimated that about 8 out of 10 private households had a multiple-play bundle as at the end of 2015, which represents an increase of 7.3 percentage points over a year earlier.
Throughout 2015, and particularly in the last three quarters, there was a deceleration in the number of new subscribers to the service (in net terms), breaking the trend which began in 2nd quarter 2013 and continued until 1st quarter 2015.
Triple-play remains the most commonly used bundle of services with 41.6% of the total, followed by quintuple-play with 38.4% and double-play with 15.4%. Triple-play bundles have 1.35 million subscribers, while quintuple-play bundles have 1.2 million subscribers. During 2015, a reduction was seen in the number of subscribers to double-play and triple-play bundles, with an increase in the number of subscribers to quadruple-play and quintuple-play bundles, and with quintuple-play reporting the largest increase of all in 2015 (28%).
In total, revenues from bundled services were reported at around 1.511 billion euros in 2015, with revenues from quadruple-play and quintuple-play bundles making up more than half of the total.
Average monthly revenue per subscriber was 40.61 euros (24.20 euros for double-play offers, 33.42 euros for triple-play bundles and 56.34 euros for quintuple-play bundles).
In terms of subscribers to bundles of services, MEO was the provider with the highest share of subscribers (41.1%) at the end of 2015, followed by NOS (39.4%), Vodafone (13.8%) and Grupo Apax (5.6%). Vodafone was the operator which most increased its share of customers during the year (an increase of 3.2 percentage points); while NOS was the operator to gain the largest number of subscribers in net terms.
In revenue terms, MEO had a share of 44.7%, followed by NOS with 38.4%, Vodafone with 11.4% and Grupo Apax with 5.6%.
NOS led in relation to double, triple and quadruple-play bundles, while MEO led in relation to quintuple-play, in terms of both subscribers and revenues.
According to Marktest's Barómetro de Telecomunicações (Telecommunications Barometer) - Fixed Network, about 6.6% of customers of bundles of services expressed an intention to switch providers in the ensuing three months, while 71.4% said they has no intention of switching provider.
"Lowest price/lower prices" remains the main reason given for choosing a provider of bundles of services.
Consult the statistical report:
- Bundles of services - electronic communications - 2015