Calculation of fees due for exercise of the activity of supplier of electronic communication services, in respect of 2015


Calculation of fees due for the pursue of the activity of provider of electronic communications networks and services, in 2015, pursuant to point b) of paragraph 1 of article 105 of Law No 5/2004, of 10 February -
(Electronic Communications Law - ECL)

1. Pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex II to Administrative Rule No 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, as amended by Administrative Rule No 296-A/2013, of 2 October, it is hereby made public knowledge of the value of the t2 contribution rate, which results from the application of the following formula, thus obtained:

Formula: t2 = (C-t1n1)/ ∑R2;

C= Total costs resulting from the regulation of the activity of provider of electronic communications networks and services, for 2015= 27,820,613 €;

∑R0 = Value of relevant revenues of bodies of step 0, for 2014 = 1,819,971 €;

T1 = Fee due by bodies of step 1 (relevant revenues < = 1,500,000€) = 2,500 €;

n1 = Number of bodies of step 1 = 21;

∑R = Value of relevant revenues of all providers of electronic communications networks and services for 2014 = 4,487,523,034 €;

∑R1 = Total value of relevant revenues of bodies of step 1, for 2014 = 13,829,339 €;

∑R2 = Total value of relevant revenues of bodies of step 2, for 2014 = 4,471,873,724 €;

T1n1 = 2.500 € x 21 = 52,500 €;

t2 = Fee due by bodies of step 2 (relevant revenues >1,500,000€) = (27,820,613 € - 52,500 €) / 4,471,873,724 € = 0.6210%;

The value of fees to be settled results from applying the 0.6210% rate to the relevant income of each operator in step 2.

2. Amounts of relevant revenues of some electronic communication providers were reviewed, further to an audit carried out by Decision of ANACOM's Management Board.

1 Republished by Law No 51/2011, of 13 September, as amended by Law No 10/2013, of 28 January, by Law No 42/2013, of 3 July, by Decree-Law No 35/2014, of 7 March, by Law No 82-B/2014, of 31 December and by Law No 127/2015, of 3 September.