Law no. 127/2015, of 3 September

Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic)


(This is not an official translation of the law)

10th amendment to Law No 5/2004, of 10 February

(Electronic Communications Law)

The Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic), under point c) of article 161 of the Constitution, hereby decrees as follows:

Sole article
Amendment to Law No 5/2004, of 10 February

Article 106 of Law No 5/2004, of 10 February, as amended by Decree-Law No 176/2007, of 8 May, by Law No 35/2008, of 28 July, by Decree-Laws No 123/2009, of 21 May, and No 258/2009, of 25 September, by Laws No 46/2011, of 24 June, No 51/2011, of 13 September, No 10/2013, of 28 January, and No 42/2013, of 3 July, by Decree-Law No 35/2014, of 7 March, and by Law No 82-B/2014, of 31 December, is hereby amended to read as follows:

«Article 106

1 - ...

2 - ...

3 - ...

a) The municipal fee for rights of way (MFRW) shall be determined on the basis of the application of a percentage on the total monthly billing issued by undertakings providing publicly available electronic communications networks and services, at a fixed location, to all final clients of the corresponding municipality;

b) ...

4 - In municipalities where the MFRW is collected, undertakings providing publicly available electronic communications networks and services, at a fixed location, shall be liable for the payment thereof.

5 - ...»

Approved on 22 July 2015.

The President of the Assembly of the Republic, Maria da Assunção A.Esteves.

Promulgated on 22 August 2015.

Let it be published.

The President of the Republic, ANÍBAL CAVACO SILVA.

Countersigned on 24 August, 2015.

For the Prime Minister, Paulo Sacadura Cabral Portas, Deputy Prime Minister.