Contract for number portability signed

/ Updated on 23.01.2002

The contract for provision of services to be assured by the Reference Authority for number portability between operators was signed in the 26th of June 2001. This body, which is obliged to be neutral, will manage the database of the ported numbers. Portability is a service that enables the end user to keep the same fixed telephone or ISDN number when changing operator.

The signing of the contract took place in the Head Office of the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal (ICP) in Lisbon, between the latter, the selected consortium - consisting of CASE and PORT IT - and the following service providers: Brisatel, Cabovisão, Global One, Jazztel, Média Capital Telecomunicações, Novis, Onitelecom, Oni Way, Optimus, PT Comunicações, PT Prime, Telecel and TMN.

Portability is a non-compulsory service for the end user service to be provided by the fixed network operators, and will be available until the 30th of June 2001. The availability of this service is considered an important factor for the encouragement of competition within the business and residential markets.

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