Fees payable to ANACOM by suppliers of electronic communications networks and services - 2012 report

By determination of 11 July 2013, ANACOM approved the report on the administrative costs and the amount resulting from the collection of fees payable to ANACOM by suppliers of electronic communications networks and services, with reference to 2012.

The fees covered by the report include those charged for: issuing statements supporting rights associated with the general authorisation scheme; exercise of the activity of supplier of electronic communications networks and services; allocation of rights of use of frequencies; allocation of rights of use of numbering and the reservation thereof; use of frequencies and of numbering.

It was also decided to reimburse the various suppliers of electronic communications networks and services a total amount of 334,316.04 euros, with respect to 2012, and 22,426.21 euros as a result of an adjustment referring to 2011.
