DTT - Digital Terrestrial Television: Appraisal Committee defines bid appraisal criteria

The Appraisal Committee for candidatures for the attribution of a Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) operator's license has been established by the committee set up to analyse the proposals. The criteria are based on the stipulations of the Call for Tender Regulations, establishing the factors and items and their respective weighting. They will be the determining instrument used to indicate the points attributed to each candidate.

Vítor Gonçalves, lecturer at the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG -College of Further Education for Economics and Management) is the Chairman of the Appraisal Committee appointed by the Government. The other members are: Lino Fernandes, of the Innovation Agency, Luís Filipe Menezes, Luísa Mendes and António Vassalo, three of the directors at the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal (ICP).

The appreciation of candidatures will be initially and successively based on six appraisal criteria: Contribution to the Development of the Information Society and the rapid spread of digital terrestrial television; Quality of the Technical Plan, including the promotion of inter-operability; Contribution to the Development of Sustained Economic Activity; Promotion of a Competitive and Innovative Offer, guaranteeing consumer rights; Quality of the Economic and Financial Plan and the global quality of the proposal.

The first of these criteria concerning the promotion of the development and of access to the information society and the rapid spread of digital terrestrial television, has a weighting of 35% of the total. Its use will reveal application factors indicating quick coverage of the whole country, a prices policy aimed at the quick penetration of the service and the offer of specific conditions for low-income populations and citizens with special needs.

The first day for receiving applications was the April 7. Proposals must be received at the ICP installations in Lisbon not later than 4 p.m. 15, 2001, in electronic format.

Proposals will be opened in a Public Act on June 18, being appreciated later by the Analysis Committee. This Committee will issue a classification list by August 6, date that may be altered if deemed necessary by the Analysis Committee.

Digital Terrestrial Television represents a new television signal distribution network in accordance with the Terrestrial (DVB-T) version of the pan-European norm DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting, and which will replace the present analogous network. Citizens will be guaranteed free open access to all present national channels on the Portuguese mainland and the national and regional channels in Madeira and the Azores. Furthermore, Digital Terrestrial Television will permit the reception of new national channels, with elevated levels of sound and image quality, along with other television and telecommunications services. DVB-T technology also facilitates an important rationalisation of the use of the radio-electrical spectrum and national coverage that will make the functions of interactive television accessible to all citizens.
