
According to the Statutes of ICP - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP-ANACOM), as approved in annex to Decree-Law no. 309/2001 of 7 December, this Authority is required, on an annual basis, to publish an Activities Report (article 37) and a report on the activities of Regulation (article 51), which reports are subject to an opinion issued by ICP-ANACOM's Advisory Council.

This has been the practice followed by ICP - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP-ANACOM), which, on statutory terms and on an annual basis, has sent the Government its Report on the activities of Regulation, which is also presented to the Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic).

In 2010, to remedy the overlap and duplication of information under the previous model, the decision was made to produce a single publication called the "Annual Report of ICP-ANACOM - 2010 - Regulation, Supervision and Other Activities" (the Report), which includes all the information on the annual activity of this Authority.

In line with 2009, the structure adopted for the Report in 2010 follows the broad strategic objectives established for the year and reflected in ICP-ANACOM's 2010-2012 Management Plan, establishing a close link between these two documents.

The structure of this Report is outlined in this first chapter (section 1); section 2 gives a comprehensive review of the activities undertaken in 2010 with reference to the strategic objectives defined by ICP-ANACOM for the year; and section 3 reports on the degree to which the actions scheduled for 2010 in the management plan were accomplished.