Postal Operations Council meeting - Berne

The plenary meeting of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Postal Operations Council (POC) was held last 12-13 May in Berne, Switzerland, preceded by meetings of the committees and project groups (PGs) and the Council of Administration, which took place from 26 April on.

Besides the presentation of reports on activities of the groups and committees, the POC plenary session approved several draft proposals to submit to the 25th UPU Congress, produced by various PGs. Preparing for that gathering was otherwise the main emphasis of work at this last POC annual session before the 25th Congress. The 2012 session will be held jointly with the CA, in order to complete the last proposals to change the Acts and Regulations so that the Congress documents can be distributed in good time among the delegates.

The next plenary meeting will be that of the CA, from this coming 24 October to 11 November.