Portability problems improve and success rate rises above 80%

As reported in the Press Release published on 1 September 2010, infringement proceedings were brought against 16 companies, given the breach of Article 12, Number 7, of the Portability Regulation (timeout situations).

"Timeout" sets the lack of response by the previous service provider to a porting request submitted electronically by the new service provider. Therefore, it is a violation of the Portability Regulation undermining and delaying the legitimate right of a subscriber to switch providers, thus contributing to the inefficiency of the process.

ICP-ANACOM considers that it is timely and important to inform, that the rate of timeout cases occurred since September 2010 has been gradually and consistently reduced to 0.5% in December.

An overview on the rate evolution of this error in 2010 can be seen in the chart below, showing a significant decline since October.

An overview on the rate evolution of this error in 2010 can be seen in the chart below, showing a significant decline since October.

ICP-ANACOM welcomes the progress and will continue to monitor closely the various processes associated with portability, and develop measures with a positive impact on improving its efficiency, within the framework of its powers of regulation and supervision of electronic communications market. The aim is to increase the success rate of portability applications for of each local fixed and mobile telephone service, being that the overall value of this rate has fluctuated slightly above 80% in December 2010.