UPU Strategy Conference - Nairóbi

Nairobi served as venue last 22-24 for the Strategy Conference of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which served as a mid-term evaluation of the Nairobi Postal Strategy (NPS – 2009-2012) and as a forum for debating the path to take up to the Doha Postal Strategy (2013-2016).

The main subjects discussed were the response of the UPU and the postal community to the global economic crisis, environmental change (from physical aspects to electronic communications) and respective impact on postal services as we know them today, NPS implementation at regional level, the recurring question of “how can postal services remain interesting for customers”, diversification of postal services (namely financial), the environment and sustainable development, and addressing.

Kenya and Switzerland announced during the conference their respective candidates for Director General of the UPU International Bureau (Hussein Bishar) and Deputy Director General (Pascal Clivaz) in the elections to be held at the next UPU Congress in 2012 in Doha, Qatar.