FAQ about the Local Fixed Telephone Service and the Universal Service - information update

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page about the Local Fixed Telephone Service and the Universal Service was updated, in order to follow what is stated on the Regulation on Quality of Service - Regulation no. 46/2005 of 14 June - establishing the quality parameters of the access to the public telephone network service at a fixed location and to the publicly available telephone service at a fixed location (FTS), which should be measured by the companies providing the services. The Regulation also sets the contents, format and ways to release the information on the provided services.

In the scope of this update, question 12 was rephrased and questions 13 and 14 were added.

12 - How can I get information on the quality of service applied by providers?

13 - Does the Regulation set the minimum quality levels to be reached by FTS operators?

14 - Which information should be included on the subscription contract?

Related information on ANACOM's website: