OECD recommends on cross-frontier spam cooperation

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has issued a recommendation on cross-frontier cooperation with regard to the enforcement of laws against unsolicited emails or spam.

In general terms OECD is recommending to its member countries that they set up an effective legal framework for combating spam. Furthermore they should provide the relevant national authorities with necessary enforcement powers and ensure that these authorities have the ability to cooperate with their counterparts in other member countries, especially when it comes to sharing information and inspection efforts.

Finally national enforcement authorities are urged to work in cooperation with the private sector, especially with corporations, commercial associations and consumer protection groups. The recommendation was approved on 13 April.

Further information:

  • OECD Work on Spam http://www.oecd.org/topic/0,2686,en_2649_22555297_1_1_1_1_37441,00.html

Related information on ANACOM's website: