AICEP General Assembly and Forum

The General Assembly and XIV Forum of the Association of Postal and Telecommunications Operators of the Portuguese-speaking countries and Territories (AICEP) took place in Maceió, Brazil, from 25 to 28 April 2006.
 The Assembly, held on 25 April, approved the management plan and the budget for 2006, and the amount of the corresponding ordinary and extraordinary shares. New managing bodies were also elected, namely AICEP’s board (which will continue to be chaired by Manuel Frexes, for Portugal Telecom, with ECT - Empresa de Correios e Telégrafos and Angola Telecom vice-chairing), the General Assembly (to be chaired by Correios de Cabo Verde) and the Supervisory Board, which will be directed by Correios de São Tomé e Príncipe.
 During this session it was also decided that the next General Assembly and the AICEP Forum in 2007 will be held in Mozambique.
 The XIV AICEP Forum, which took place from 26 to 28 April, was held under the theme "The Networked Society". It included the analysis, from a range of perspectives, of the main issues concerning the networked society, the knowledge society and the information society. In the scope of this Forum, the Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Foundation) Prize was awarded to the work «Posto público de acesso a serviços de telecomunicações e multibanco» (Public terminal for access to telecommunications and ATM services), by Marta Alexandra Rodrigues Bandarra, of PT Comunicações. Two notes of honour were also awarded, to the titles «Especificação de uma metodologia plural e faseada» (Specification of a plural and successive methodology), by João Carlos Ferreira da Silva da Costa Pereira, of PT Comunicações, and «Tecnologia de gestão de mercado» (Market management technology), by Pedro Carlos Resende Junior, of Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (Brazilian company of Post offices and Telegraphs).

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