Characterisation of networks

For effects of licensing procedure, private networks are classified according to duration, implantation and structure/function.

Regarding duration, networks are divided into:

Permanent networks - networks authorised to function for a period of 5 years, renewed automatically, unless ANACOM determines otherwise or the user withdraws.

Temporary networks - networks with a 60-day duration that specifically aim to support short-term events. The authorisation is renewable once, for a like period of time and for the same characteristics.

Regarding implantation, they are divided as follows:

Local networks (stable) - networks with base station(s), and eventually with fixed station(s), installed at points well determined and stable in time, not subject to change without prior ANACOM authorisation.

Local networks (ambulatory) - networks whose base and/or fixed stations may be variably located within a preset geographic area, according to specific operational needs; mobility conditions are linked to the use of general channels. Changes of localisation within the area defined do not require prior ANACOM authorisation but must be reported to same.

Networks without fixed structure - networks solely comprising mobile networks subject to fortuitous displacement and emission within a certain welldefined geographic area.