Final Acts of the European Broadcasting Conference in the VHF and UHF bands, Stockholm, 1961 - approved the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area concerning the use of frequencies by the broadcasting service in the VHF and UHF bands, the approval process of which is currently under way.
Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of the VHF Sound Broadcasting (Region 1 and part of Region 3), Geneva, 1984 - approved the Regional Agreement relating to the use of the Band 87,5 - 108 MHz for FM sound broadcasting in Region 1 and Part of Region 3. These Final Acts were approved by the Council of Ministers, by the Decree no. 39/2003 of 2 September and the ratification instrument was deposited with the Secretary-General of the ITU, on 30 January 2004, under the terms of Notice no. 26/2004 of 22 March 2004.
Notice no. 26/2004 of 22 March
Decree no. 39/2003 of 2 September
Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of the Maritime Radionavigation Service (Radiobeacons), in the European Maritime Area, Geneva, 1985 - These Statutory Instruments were approved by the Portuguese Government and published through Decree no. 47/2003, of 17 October. The Final Acts comprise the Regional Agreement relating to the Planning of the Maritime Radionavigation Service (Radiobeacons), in the European Maritime Area, as well as the Final Protocol with the declarations stated at the moment of the signature of the Final Acts.
Decree no. 47/2003, of 17 October
Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of the MF Maritime Mobile and Aeronautical Radionavigation Services (Region 1), Geneva, 1985 - approved the Regional Agreement relating to the planning of the MF maritime mobile and aeronautical radionavigation Services (Region 1). These Final Acts were approved by the Council of Ministers, by the Decree no. 51/2003 of 31 October.
Decree no. 51/2003, of 31 October
Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference of the Members of the Union in the European Broadcasting Area to revise certain parts of the Stockholm Agreement (1961) Geneva, 1985 - approved the Protocol amending the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area. These Final Acts were approved by the Council of Ministers, by the Decree no. 21/2003, of 3 May and the ratification instrument was deposited with the Secretary-General of the ITU, on 30 January 2004, under the terms of Notice no. 25/2004 of 22 March 2004.
Notice no. 25/2004 of 22 March
Decree no. 21/2003, of 3 May
Related information on ANACOM's website:
- Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference of the Members of the ITU in the European Broadcasting Area (1985)
- Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference of ITU, 1984
- Regional Agreement relating to the Planning of the Maritime Radionavigation Service (Radiobeacons), in the European Maritime Area (1985)
- Final Acts of the ITU Regional Administrative Conference of 1985 have been published
- Ratification instruments relating to the Final Acts of the ITU Regional Administrative Conferences were deposited - 1984 and 1985