Access to administrative documents

Law No 26/2016, of 22 August, as amended by Law No 58/2019, of 8 August and Law No 33/2020 of 12 August (Law on Access to Administrative Documents - LADA), approved the regime of access to administrative and environmental information and reuse of administrative documents (transposing Directives 2003/4/EC, of 28 January, and 2003/98/EC, of 17 November, both of the European Parliament and of the Council) and applies, among others, to independent administrative entities, by virtue of its article 4, paragraph 1 c).

According to article 9 of LADA, “each body or entity shall appoint an officer responsible for compliance with the provisions of this Law, who shall be in charge, in particular, of organising and promoting the obligations of active disclosure of information to which the body or entity is committed, monitoring the processing of requests for access and reuse and establishing the necessary articulation for the exercise of competencies of the Committee for Access to Administrative Documents”.

By determination of the Board of Directors of 8 July 2021, the Director of the Board of Directors Support Office, Mr. Pedro Fernando Loureiro Ferreira, was appointed as the officer in charge of access to the administrative documents of this Authority.


See also: