
ITU vacancies - until 23.07.2017

Vacancies announced for ''Deputy Chief, Human Resources Management Department'' and ''Head, Sales and Marketing Division'', at the ITU.

31st plenary session of BEREC

To be held 01-02 June 2017, in Cascais, preceded by the BEREC/EMERG/Regulatel/EaPeReg summit on 31 May 2017.

ITU vacancies - until 05 and 09.07.2017

Vacancies announced for 'Head, Space Publication and Registration Division' and 'ITU Area Representative for Southeast Asia & Timor-Leste, at the ITU.

Market analysis - information update

See updated information on the summary tables of decisions and notifications made by Portugal and EU Member States to the European Commission.

Facts & Figures 2016

See the summary of the main statistical data on electronic communications published by ANACOM.