4. ANACOM assessment of audit results

In the scope of the audit to 2014 CLSU presented by MEO in October 2015 and corrected in January 2016, further to initial recommendations made by auditors, and subsequently, to values resubmitted by the company in May 2016 following alterations introduced in the CAS, MEO concluded that values resubmitted by MEO, except for reconciliation issues, comply with principles, criteria and conditions determined by ANACOM. This conclusion also includes amendments to the calculation of CLSU that result from ANACOM’s decision of 22.07.2015, which adjusted the methodology to the fact that MEO was the provider of the US under the former regulatory framework for part of 2014.

As regards issues on the reconciliation of data on the number of lines, traffic volumes and values of access and traffic revenues, it is stressed that this situation was already reported in previous audits, and that auditors maintain their opinion that these situations underestimate the final value of CLSU. In addition, it is referred that, notwithstanding, MEO’s clarifications are acceptable. It is noted that aspects identified in the audit as far as reconciliation is concerned are identified both as regards results initially submitted by MEO on 30.10.2015 and those resubmitted on 06.05.2016, whereby conclusions are maintained.

AXON found also that recommendations made in the scope of the audit work to estimates submitted by MEO on 30.10.2015, as well as the model for the amendment of inputs that results from the recast of CAS results for 2014, had been correctly implemented.

In compliance with the conclusion presented by AXON, ANACOM takes the view that the methodology for calculating CLSU was applied in an appropriate and consistent manner by MEO.