ANACOM releases list of parishes with access and coverage by fixed high-speed networks1.
This information shows whether a particular parish has coverage by fixed high-speed networks and gives the level of coverage of this service at that location. In preparing this list, use was made of the following data:
- number of cabled dwellings, as on 30 September 2018 (data provided by operators2);
- number of conventional dwellings, per parish (INE, 2011 Census);
- information on parishes from Direção-Geral do Território (Directorate General of the Territory) - CAOP - Carta Administrativa Oficial de Portugal (Official Administrative Map of Portugal) 2014.
This information will be updated as operators submit new data to ANACOM.
1 Fixed high-speed networks are networks supported over optical fibre (FTTH/FTTB) and over cable television distribution networks with EuroDOCSIS 3.0.
2 As part of the ''Quarterly Questionnaire on high-speed electronic communications networks at a fixed location'' which forms an integral part of the set of questionnaires used by ANACOM to compile statistical information (annexes to Regulation no. 255/2017 of 16 of May).
Lista de freguesias com cobertura de redes de alta velocidade fixas menor ou igual a 1%
(PDF 831 KB)
See also:
- 2017 Lists
- 2014 Lists