Analysis of markets

/ Updated on 17.10.2014

This area contains all available information on each of the relevant electronic communications markets in Portugal identified by ANACOM in accordance with Lei das comunicações eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Law - Law no 5/2004, of 10 February) and European Commission Recommendations 2003/311/EC, of 11 February 2003, 2007/879/EC, of 17 December 2007, 2014/710/EU, of 9 October 2014 and 2020/2245, 18 of December 2020.

With Recommendation 2007/879/EC, seven markets were defined (versus 18 markets defined under Recommendation 2003/311/EC), one at retail level (access to the public telephone network at a fixed location for residential and non-residential customers) and six at wholesale level (call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location, call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location, wholesale network infrastructure access at a fixed location, wholesale broadband access, wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, voice call termination on individual mobile networks).

The 2014 Recommendation reduced the number of relevant markets susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Recommendation now only includes wholesale markets (wholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location, wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks, wholesale local access provided at a fixed location, wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products, and wholesale high-quality access provided at a fixed location).

In particular, this area gives access to the consultation processes and determinations adopted by ANACOM in the context of market analysis and definition, assessment of significant market power (SMP) and the imposition of obligations, as well as information on the subsequent process of notification to the European Commission and other Member States. The regulated wholesale offers can also be found in this area, as well as the questionnaires used to compile information on the different markets.