Annex I - Electronic Communication Service Quality Parameters Suggested by ANACOM to Assist Operators in Defining Quality Levels to be Included in one-sided standard contracts
a) Maximum service start-up time, measured in consecutive calendar days/hours, from the moment the customer submits a valid request for the service up to the moment the service is made available. Maximum service start-up times for changes to service modes/features, change of customer address and the installation of additional services should also be taken into account.
The provision period shall be considered from the date the providing company receives the request, or from the date it receives requests to amend/complement existing agreements.
b) Maximum service interruption/suspension time,
Maximum monthly service interruption/suspension time, measured in hours per month from the moment the customer ceases to be provided with access to the service up to the moment the service is restored, where responsibility falls under the service provider or electronic communications network operator supporting the service.
If service has not been restored by the end of the month, the time counting will begin again on the first day of the following month.
c) Maximum repair time for faults, measured in consecutive hours, from the instant a valid fault in the network of the providing company (or in any interconnected public network involved in eligible communications for calculation purposes) has been reported to the services of the providing company, which entails the creation and register of a claim number, to the instant where the service has been restored to full normal working order.
The services of the providing company shall mean the services intended for the report of faults on the part of customers.
d) Maximum time to disconnect/deactivate services, measured in consecutive hours from the moment a valid service termination request is received from the customer up to the moment the service is actually disconnected. ?Valid request? is defined as any request submitted by the customer in accordance with documented instructions.
e) Maximum response time to customer claims and information requests, measured in calendar days from the date the service provider is presented with the claim/information request, which entails the creation and register of a claim number, up to the date of notification of the claim decision/date of response to the information request.
f) Guaranteed minimum access speeds (applies to Internet service).
g) Maximum time to satisfy requests for number portability, measured in the number of working days from the date the customer?s portability request is received by the service provider up to the date the portability is carried out.
h) Maximum time to satisfy pre-selection orders, measured in the number of working days from the date the customer?s pre-selection request is presented up to the date pre-selection is made available.