BEREC - Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) was established by EC Regulation no. 1211/2009 of 25 November 2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

BEREC functions with independence, impartiality and transparency, and works to contribute to the development of the internal market of electronic communications networks and services, seeking to ensure consistent application of the European Union regulatory framework.

BEREC's functions are:

  • develop and disseminate among national regulatory authorities (NRA) regulatory best practices, such as common approaches, methodologies or guidelines on the implementation of the EU regulatory framework;
  • on request, provide assistance to NRAs on regulatory issues;
  • deliver opinions on the draft decisions, recommendations and guidelines of the European Commission;
  • issue reports and provide advice, upon reasoned request of the Commission or on its own initiative, and deliver opinions to the European Parliament and the Council, on all issues related to electronic communications within its competence;
  • upon request, assist the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the NRAs in relations, discussions and exchanges of views with third parties; and assist the Commission and NRAs in the dissemination of regulatory best practices to third parties.

BEREC is composed of the Board of Regulators.

ANACOM ensured the chair of BEREC in 2015 and the vice-chair in 2014 and 2016. In 2024, Patrícia Silva Gonçalves, Member of the Board of Directors of ANACOM, assumed the role of Vice-President of the BEREC Mini-Board, with the main objectives of supporting the President of BEREC in carrying out his duties, discussing issues emerging from electronic communications markets and ensure the implementation of the work program.

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